Hyperspectral Object Tracking Challenge 2024

Dec. 9-Dec. 11, 2024

Helsinki, Finland

Object tracking is an important research topic in computer vision and pattern recognition. Despite its success in research and practice, tracking in grayscale or color videos has its intrinsic limitations in depicting physical properties of targets, especially reflectance of materials. It makes trackers vulnerable in complex scenarios with cluttered background and significant object shape changes. This problem can be effectively addressed by object tracking in hyperspectral videos which provide joint spectral, spatial, and temporal information, enabling the tracking system to perceive the materials besides the shape, texture, and semantic relationship of objects.

In 2024, we organize The Fourth Hyperspectral Object Tracking Challenge with the 14th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS). The goal of this contest is to boost the research on hyperspectral object tracking. A special session will be organized for all accepted papers which will also be included in the WHISPERS proceedings to be published in the IEEE Xplore.

A frame-by-frame labelled dataset with 182 training videos and 89 validation videos is provided. Moreover, we also provide 75 unlabeled hyperspectral videos as a testing set for ranking purpose. Each video contains hyperspectral data and false-color data generated from the hyperspectral data. We also provide the codes and results of a number of tracking methods as baselines. Please refer to the results page.

Please email the team information to hsotracking@gmail.com and copy to fcxiong@njust.edu.cn to confirm your participation. All participants are encouraged to submit a paper to WHISPERS 2024. Please select "the challenge:hyperspectral object tracking challenge" track in the paper review system. It is mandatory for the top four teams to submit and present a paper in the WHISPERS. All participants shall also submit the tracking results on the unlabeled testing set to the contest organizer. Please email the results to hsotracking@gmail.com and copy to fcxiong@njust.edu.cn. A special session will be organised for all accepted papers which will also be included in the WHISPERS proceedings.

2024-09-01: The top five teams are required to provide their code for result verification purposes. If the reported tracking results cannot be reproduced or the code is not provided, the team's ranking will be canceled. In this case, any reward will be passed on to the next eligible team. (We will not release the code to anyone else without the permission from the participants.)

2024-09-03: We released the results of some hyperspectral trakcers. Please refer to the RESULTS page.

2024-09-18: Please send the team information including name, members, supervisor and institute to hsotracking@gmail.com and copy to fcxiong@njust.edu.cn to confirm your participation. We will reply the email to formally confirm the participation.

The deadline of paper subission is September 30th, in accordance with the IEEE WHISPERS Conference.

The deadline for submitting the results on the testing data is Oct. 13rd.

We have released the testing set for ranking. Dataset Link: the dataset can be accessed via Google Drive or Baidu YunPan Access code: 4u60 or Dropbox



1000 EUR


1500 EUR


500 EUR

Key Dates


In Conjunction With
